Our website is organized into five distinct galleries for your ease in navigating. Our jewelry and fetish galleries include: Zuni Fetishes, Pueblo Neckwear, Zuni Jewelry (Contemporary), Zuni and Navajo Jewelry (Vintage), and “& More“.
To view these collections, click on any thumbnail image:

Many of these Zuni fetish carvings are recently-made and may be available in slightly different form - either material or pose. Most are made by currently-active Zuni carvers. Some carvings are older, either by inactive or deceased fetish carvers, and are truly collectible.

Our Pueblo Neckwear gallery consists of both high-quality Zuni fetish necklaces, which are truly collector pieces, as well as necklaces of master Kewa heishi maker Nestoria Coriz

Our Zuni jewelry offerings are separated into five groups - bracelets, rings, earrings, neckwear and pin/pendants. This contemporary collection is exclusively Zuni with the majority of these jewelers still active.
A compilation of Navajo and Zuni jewelry - unique heirloom pieces from the 1980s backwards to even a few early 20th century gems.

Featuring different types of jewelry and crafts that have been collected over the years and are now being offered for sale.