Designs of Native American jewelry and Zuni turquoise rings are similar to the construction of Zuni bracelets – cluster, inlay and channel, needlepoint/petit-point. There are only a few Zuni jewelers making quality turquoise rings.
This selection includes Native American jewelry and Zuni turquoise rings by Lorraine Waatsa, Darlene Weebothee, Amy Wesley, Connie Seowtewa and Eva Wyaco.
Native American jewelry and Zuni rings are a popular expression of personality and preference. We project ourselves through the type of jewelry we wear. Some like the bold single stone or mosaic designs; others, the intricacy of finely shaped slivers of turquoise and coral. Particularly popular is the cluster and inlay style of ring – large bold and made of exquisite stones.
This selection includes rings by Lorraine Waatsa, Darlene Weebothee, Amy Wesley, Connie Seowtewa and Eva Wyaco.